Travis is a very popular CI service and offers a feature for file encryption to keep your secrets. At the moment it’s not straight forward to decrypt files and therefore I’m going to provide a workaround in this post.

Workaround send a file with ftp/sftp

In this method we’ll update the .travis.yml in a new branch. There is a file with the name setup.tar.gz.enc that we want to decrypt and send via ftp.

  - 'SFTP_USER=[user]'
  - 'SFTP_PASSWORD=[password]'
  - 'SFTP_HOST=[base64-encoded-rsa-key]'
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_b0276278eb46_key -iv $encrypted_b0276278eb46_iv
  -in setup.tar.gz.enc -out setup.tar.gz -d
- curl --ftp-create-dirs -T setup.tar.gz ${SFTP_HOST} --user ${SFTP_USER}:${SFTP_PASSWORD}

Commit the above change to an experimental branch, and trigger a Travis CI.